We are a global movement of people, churches and local organisations. We are the changemakers, the peacemakers, the mighty of heart.

Everyone is equal in the sight of God. For over 75 years, this truth has inspired Christian Aid to stand together in solidarity with our most marginalised global neighbours, of all faiths and none.

Poverty is an outrage against humanity. It robs people of their dignity and lets injustice thrive.
Christian Aid seek to eradicate extreme poverty by tackling its root causes. Together with people living in poverty, Christian Aid amplify voices to speak truth to power and create lasting change.

This is done through:

1) Humanitarian relief to meet immediate acute needs
2) Small projects that deeply impact a community (e.g. water wells, agricultural training)
3) National/regional work (e.g. advocacy to change unjust laws)
4) Global campaigning to challenge structures that keep people in poverty (e.g. climate justice, tax justice)

You can find out more about praying with us here, and can find out more about our impact through reading our annual report here.

Our Current Focuses

1. As Christians we are called to challenge the injustice of the climate crisis. We know the next decade will be critical for us to act.

Every social movement started with a conversation – these conversations stirred anger, fuelled hope and inspired people to act.

As the church, we need to have those honest conversations that spur us into action. We want to walk with you, to join these conversations and act together in the pursuit of climate justice.

We’ve got all of the resources you need to kick start a climate justice conversation with your church that builds the power for transformative action. Click here to find out more.

2. The war in Ukraine is causing global food prices to rocket. East Africa is facing a crisis on crisis.

Millions of innocent children, women and men in East Africa are taking desperate measures to survive in the face of extreme hunger, caused by failed harvests, livestock deaths and water shortages. 

How it got this way:   

The severe conditions are being made worse by the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has amplified an increase in global food prices that has turned a tough situation into a dire crisis. Click here to find out more.