The Learning Network

The Learning Network serving the Manchester and Stockport District in the North West and Mann Region

We are a regionally located team working across the North West Region, which includes the Manchester and Stockport District.  There are 8 members of employed staff who are available to work with districts, circuits, churches, lay employees, office holders, ordained colleagues and volunteers.  As members of the Connexional team, we are a ‘paid for’ resource so there is no charge for our time. Jasmine Devadason is your aligned officer and is the ‘face’ of the Learning Network in the district.  However, the whole team is accessible and available to bring their gifts and graces to help equip the district to be a place of lifelong learning and to fulfil its calling.

We serve in three main ways: 

  • By offering formal learning opportunities and training courses;
  • By gathering people with a common mission or calling to grow together as peers;
  • Development work alongside circuits, churches, groups e.g. circuit vision development, leadership or team development, circuit reviews.

If there is a piece of work that is not currently offered, we can look at offering something new or locating another provider, so please do ask.

How do you know what is on?

We invite you to sign up to our monthly newsletter containing information about the Learning and Development coming up.  Our social media provides updates between newsletters. This e-booklet is a summary of online courses offered to the whole Connexion for 2022-23. 


Meet the team: 

Each team member leads on different areas but the first port of call will be your District Aligned Officer or the Coordinator.

Revd Dr Jasmine Devadason

Revd Dr Jasmine Devadason

Revd Dr Jasmine Devadason is the aligned officer for the Manchester & Stockport District: Biblical Literacy / LPWL / Candidating / Asian and Dalit theology / Circuit Steward Training / 0779992560

Alison Ball

Alison Ball

Alison Ball is the Coordinator for the NWM Learning Network: Coordinating the team / Negotiating new or bespoke work /Regional Forum/ Supervision / Leadership / Tel: 07799900474

Brec Seaton

Brec Seaton

Brec Seaton is the aligned officer for the Cumbria District: Mission Action Planning and Circuit Reviews / Positive Working Together / Domestic Abuse Awareness / Mental Health First Aid/ Wellbeing / 07799900469

Simon Sutcliffe

Simon Sutcliffe

Revd Simon Sutcliffe is the aligned officer for the Chester & Stoke-on-Trent District: Theological Literacy / Supervision / Evangelism / 07799902578

Edel Mcclean

Edel Mcclean

Edel Mcclean is the aligned officer for the Bolton & Rochdale District: Vocational Exploration / Discernment / Prayer & Spirituality / Wellbeing / Methodist Way of Life / 07799902563

Alison Hulse

Alison Hulse

Alison Hulse is the aligned officer for the Isle of Man District:  Supporting Pioneering and the Methodist Pioneer Pathway / Safeguarding / Children, Youth, Families / 3 Generate / 07799900480

We are members of the Connexional Team.