Connexional Policy, Procedure & Guidance

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

If you are part of a Methodist Church or attending an activity at a church location, you can do your part to support safeguarding:

  • Find out the name of the person responsible for safeguarding and how you can contact them
  • Provide feedback to a safeguarding officer (at church, Circuit, District or Connexional Team) if you think that safeguarding practice could be improved
  • Check that a local safeguarding policy is prominently displayed and inform the safeguarding officer if it is not easily visible
  • Take time to read the local safeguarding policy to understand how it applies to you
  • If safeguarding training is offered, make it a priority as part of your commitment to keeping others and yourself safe in the church
  • Report any safeguarding concerns you may have to a minister or safeguarding officer as soon as possible

For further information see the documents below:

Useful links for Survivors, Past Cases Review, Safeguarding Policies and Safer Recruitment
Connexional Safeguarding Information (docx)