From Monday 20th November until Friday, 24th November 2023


The focus for this year is how we can prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of ourselves and others. 

There’s a strong link between safeguarding and mental and physical wellbeing. If someone’s wellbeing is suffering, they may consider certain actions that put them at risk.

The concept of ‘wellbeing’ is threaded throughout UK legislation and is part of the Law about how health and social care is provided.

Any actions taken to safeguard an adult must take their whole wellbeing into account and be proportionate to the risk of harm. We should work with people to understand what matters to them and consider their beliefs, views and feelings when offering support.


Wellbeing can refer to your mental and physical health, your relationships and connection with your community, and your connection to society.

Wellbeing & Safeguarding

Living free from abuse and neglect is a key element of wellbeing. Also, if someone’s wellbeing is suffering, they may consider certain actions that put them at risk.

Look after yourself

Good safeguarding means looking out for others. But looking after yourself can put you in a better position to help and support others.

For more information see: Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 – Ann Craft Trust